Hypnotherapy in Hampshire

Hypnotherapy in Surrey

Hypnotherapy in Berkshire


Christy Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy and Sports Hypnosis services Farnham, Guildford, Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire

MP3 Self-Hypnosis Sessions

I am now offering some pre-recorded mp3 self-hypnosis sessions for you to download and listen to in your own time, in the comfort of your own home for just £5 each. Payment is completely secure through PayPal and you can download the purchased recording immediately. These can either be used in isolation for personal relaxation or in conjunction with face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions.

I will be adding additional recordings all the time, so please check back regularly for new updates!

If you are interested in purchasing one of these sessions however do not see one listed which applies to you, please send me an email with your request to christy@christyhypnotherapy.com. If you have a very specific request I will produce individually personalised recordings which are available for just £25.

FREE - Relaxation Script

If you have never tried hypnotherapy before or you are considering purchasing one of my other downloads but would like to 'try before you buy', please download this "10 minute relaxation" recording, simply sign up to my newsletter to download completely free of charge.

You can listen to this any time of the day, just make sure you have somewhere comfortable to sit where you won't be distributed for the 10 minutes of the recording.

I guarantee you will feel more relaxed and refreshed after 10 minutes than you've felt for a long time! (Please do not listen to this whilst driving or operating machinery.)

Sign up to my newsletter to receive the free download
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NEW! Improve your Body Confidence (28 mins)

This 28 minute recording will help you to:

  • Gain more self-esteem and generally feel better about yourself
  • Increase your feelings of self-worth
  • Realise what is special and unique about YOU!

There may be a number of reasons why someone does not feel comfortable with their physical body and as a result have a poor sense of body image. Whatever the reason, it can be distressing to live day to day not feeling comfortable living in the skin you are in.

Listening to this recording on a regular basis, ideally at least twice a week, will help to improve your overall level of self-esteem, allowing you to feel more comfortable about yourself, both emotionally and physically.



NEW! Start your Weight Loss Journey (24 mins)

This 24 minute recording will help you to:

  • Begin your weight loss journey with confidence
  • Confirm and enhance your motivation to lose weight
  • Become more in touch with your body and appreciate the nutrition it needs
  • Reduce your desire for unhealthy, sugary and fattening foods

This recording has been designed for anyone who wants to lose weight but has perhaps not been successful at maintaining “fad diets” or calorie counting in the past. To get the most benefit and achieve your weight loss goals, listen to this recording at least 5 times a week for a month to help get you started and then as often as you need to keep you on track.

This recording is a perfect start on your weight loss journey. For further support, please download the Metabolism Boosters document.



Be Mindful (18 mins)

This 18 minute recording will help you to:

  • Let go of physical tension
  • Reduce unnecessary negative thoughts
  • Concentrate more easily
  • Be more aware of yourself in the present moment

This recording aims to introduce you to the concept of being mindful of your thoughts and emotions. It is perfect for those who find it difficult to concentrate or who find themselves overly worrying about things.

To get the most out of this recording, ensure you are fully supported either seated or lying down and that you won't be disturbed whilst you are listening. It can be listened to as often as you wish.



Regain Confidence (28 mins)

This 28 minute recording will help you to:

  • Learn some basic techniques to help you feel more confident
  • Feel more empowered
  • Relax and let go of negative self-beliefs
  • Get in touch with the inner self-confidence you were born with!

A lack of confidence can have a huge impact on many aspects of a person's, including relationships, family life, career and even sport. This recording uses a combination of motivational messages and positive visualisations and is ideal for those who feel as though they've lost touch with their self-confidence and need a bit of a 'boost' to their self-belief.



Release Anxiety (30 mins)

This 30 minute recording will help you to:

  • Drift into a wonderful state of relaxation
  • Learn how to use the power of your imagination to let go of anxiety and fear
  • Open your mind to positive outcomes and a life free from anxiety

Many people can become consumed by anxious thoughts which lead to a very unhappy existence. For some people, the more you worry the more it seems there is to worry about which can end up as a self-fulfilling negative cycle. It is now possible to break this cycle!

This recording is therefore perfect for anyone who feels they get overly anxious or worried and would like to let go of their anxieties for good! It can be listened to as often as you wish.



Get up and do it (24 mins)

This 24 minute recording will help you to:

  • Understand the reasons for your procrastination
  • Accept these and then get on with it!
  • Feel more empowered to break bad habits from the past
  • Feel motivated to efficiently get things done and to enjoy your success!

Procrastination is something which can hit anyone – we all have a tendency to put off the things we don’t like doing. But the more we avoid and put off, the bigger and more onerous the task becomes, often leaving us feeling depressed and guilty.

To get the most benefit, listen to this recording at least 5 times a week for a month to help get you started and then as often as you need.



Sleep Well (34 mins)

Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Or perhaps you wake during the night and can’t get back to sleep?

This is a 34 minute recording will help you:

  • Learn some techniques which will help you create your own "cues for sleep"
  • Easily drift off into a natural and restful sleep
  • Be confident that you can sleep through the whole night and wake up refreshed!

This recording is best used every day and can be listened to each night as you go to bed to help you off to sleep. Remember to keep this file separate from your other music so you aren’t woken by a following loud song!

As an additional aid, please download the 'Active Self-Hypnosis Sleep Technique' document.



Overcome Panic Attacks (30 mins)

This 30 minute recording has been designed to help you to:

  • Learn how to take control of your emotions
  • Start to let go of unnecessary fears and worries
  • Deal with situations more confidently
  • Stop a panic attack before it even starts
  • Feel more relaxed and enjoy a freer life!

If you have ever experienced a panic attack you will know how scary it can be. For many people, certain situations can make them feel very anxious or even panicky and this can lead to a feeling of loss of control.

To get the most benefit, listen to this recording to at least twice a week for a month to help get you started.



Improve Your Sport (24 mins)

If you play sport, either for pleasure or as your career, you will know how important it is for you to feel you are performing at your best, whatever level you play. Hypnosis can be a really effective way to help you improve personal performance using a variety of methods such as mental rehearsal, confidence boosting and physical relaxation. This 24 minute recording provides an introduction to these techniques.



Manage Stress - COMING SOON

This recording will help you to:

  • Regain control over your stress levels
  • Build resilience to the problems you gave in life
  • Achieve a more positive state of mind and body
  • Learn techniques to help keep your stress under control and enjoy a more relaxed approach to life.

Everyone experiences some kind of stress at some point in their lives. A certain level of stress can be helpful as it helps us perform at our best. Problems occur when the level of stress we experience becomes too much for us to cope with and actually stops us being at our best. Severe stress can even lead to illness and disease.

To get the most benefit from this recording listen to it at least twice a week for the first month and then whenever you feel you need a ‘top up’.


Mind Clearing - COMING SOON

More details to follow.


Deep Relaxation - COMING SOON

This recording will help you to:

  • Clear your mind and body of stress and tension
  • Let go of physical and mental tension to leave you feeling completely calm
  • Use the power of your imagination and positive visualisations to achieve a deep state of relaxation

Excessive stress can lead to a wide range of health problems, so learning to really relax fully is vital for your health and well-being.

To get the most benefit from this recording, make sure you can find somewhere where you will not be disturbed and where you can lie down or be fully supported from head to toe. It can be listened to as often as you need and ideally used at least once a week for the first month.


Contact Christy

Mobile:07920 755660
Or contact me through the form below:
Your Name:
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